Our fully secured warehouse of 3,600 square metre offers our clients a completely integrated storage and distribution service to manufacturers, local distributors, importers and exporters.
Our customer focused attitude allows us to offer an unsurpassed combination of quality warehousing and support services.
Our warehouse has an uninterrupted service Monday to Friday from 5.00am to 4.00pm
- Australian Custom Bond Licence
- AQIS Quarantine approved premise (Class 1.3)
- Excise Storage Licence
- Food Authority Accreditation
- Export Control/ Registered Establishment for "Dairy Commodity"
- S77G Depot Licence - Good subject to Customs Control

Our services:
- Container storage
- Container unpacks
- Container packing
- Quarantine Inspections
- Palletising
- Shrinkwrapping
- Handling into Store
- Licensed Bond Store (Aqis approved)
- Inventory control
- Long or short term storage
- Order picking
- Labelling
- Consolidation of goods pending shipment
- Re-palletising
- LCL consolidation
- Drive in racking
We welcome you to visit our warehouse and meet our friendly and dedicated staff.